The Most Significant Advance in Cleaning Technology in Centuries:
Adding Microbiology to Clean at the Microbial Level
Z BioScience combines microbiology and chemistry to make the world’s most advanced surface cleaners which, when combined with physics, creates a “true clean” surface.
Agricultural Solutions
Prevent dangerous outbreaks, raise healthier livestock, AND increase your yield.
WATCH: How it Works in Agriculture:
Commercial Solutions
Protect your staff, your students, and your patrons by cleaning down to the microscopic level.
WATCH: How it Works in Schools and Public Buildings:
Surface Barrier System
The public view of bacteria is changing. We once thought all bacteria were harmful, but now we are beginning to understand the delicate symbiotic relationship between people, animals, their gut microflora and control of the …READ MORE
Fighting Superbugs
The public view of bacteria is changing. We once thought all bacteria were harmful, but now we are beginning to understand the delicate symbiotic relationship between people, animals, their gut microflora and control of the …READ MORE
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