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  • Why are Z Bio-science products revolutionary?Our products don’t try to kill pathogens with drugs or chemicals, but rather inhibit them by competitive exclusion. The probiotics in our products rapidly colonize surfaces with good bacteria, eating up the available food and other resources so pathogens simply cannot get a foothold. Simply put,…Read more
  • What are Biosurfactants?Biosurfactants are amphiphilic[1] compounds produced by microbes, either on the cell surface or secreted extracellularly and are a natural biological solution that can address the biological presence of pathogens and biofilm.Biosurfactants have been used for decades in water and soil remediation programs, as well as the petrochemical, pharmaceutical, biomedical and…Read more
  • The public view of bacteria is changing. We once thought all bacteria were harmful, but now we are beginning to understand the delicate symbiotic relationship between people, animals, their gut microflora and control of the microbial environment. This balance is important to the well-being of both animals and the people taking…Read more
  • The old way of cleaning was quite simple – try to kill everything. Unfortunately, that approach has not worked so well. We’ve been trying to establish an unnatural, and unsustainable, sterile environment – a vacuum – and nature abhors a vacuum.The other problem with the “kill everything philosophy” is that it…Read more
  • One of the greatest dangers facing mankind is bacterial resistance. Mainline antibiotics are having trouble killing many of the most dangerous pathogens, such as MRSA, C. difficile, tuberculosis and many others.The problem is that bacteria evolve to resist treatment, and the more antibiotics they face, the faster they evolve. Conventional cleaning…Read more
  • Several years ago, a large poultry hatchery started cleaning all surfaces and misting with Z BioScience probiotic products. Even though the products are not disinfectants nor biocides the effect of having surfaces that are clean down to the microbial level has given them astonishing results in their overall cleanliness. The ATP…Read more

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